Why We Love Tshirt Printing
It took some time and lots of frustration and dead-ends to learn what we didn't know, and truthfully, we are constantly learning. Because as the old adage goes, an idle business is a closed business.
Enough of this rambling, time to go pull a squeegee and make something epic!
Ink-It Ohio started off just as a simple idea, lets get a screen printing press and see how hard it is. Turns out, immensely hard, lol.
We came up with the name while on a 4 hour drive to pick up a free exposure unit that needed some serious work. On the drive back, the name came to us and we began setting up the whole business.
Making Custom Tshirts Takes Practice
Since that drive, we've added some and removed some equipment all while evolving and learning the trade much better. The one thing we did learn that has stuck with us. It's that this is hand crafted stuff, quality and creativity aren't learned instantly. We aren't perfect and our graveyard of "eh, lets just see what happens" speaks for itself as does our mountain of experimentation shirts, but we sure have come a long way.
With Screen Printing The Learning Never Ends
We Hope To Help You With Your Custom Apparel Needs